Save Our Beach Association

Established in 1973, the Save Our Beach Association (SOBA), a non-profit organization, welcomes everyone interested in improving the quality, safety, beauty, and ecology of a very special place – Surfside Beach, Texas. The SOBA Employee Identification Number (EIN) is 76-0604817 and is organized as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Monthly Meetings. SOBA members meet every month on the Saturday following the council meetings, which are scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month. We usually meet at a member's home and bring food & drink. Most times, we have a guest speaker.
Membership. Membership dues to the Association are $15 annually per person or $25 annually per family. We distribute a newsletter each month and have a Facebook page, where we post events and other updates.
Fundraising Events. T-shirts and koozies are for sale at all events or from members. We use the proceeds from these sales in our ongoing community projects. The annual event “Treasures by the Sea” marketplace includes vendors who make hand-built and hand-thrown pottery, mosaics, jewelry, handmade soaps, antiques, collectibles, local honey, and much more.